#!/bin/bash echo "[+] trying to fetch main branch" git fetch origin main if [ $(git rev-list --count HEAD..origin/main) -gt 0 ]; then echo "[+] pulling latest version of the main branch" git pull origin main else echo "[+] nothing to update from the remote repository" fi echo "[+] build for the new version starts in 3 seconds..." sleep 3 cargo build --release echo "[+] need to store the 'ghost-eye' binary to '/usr/local/bin/'" sudo cp target/release/ghost-eye /usr/local/bin if ! grep -Fxq "alias ge=\"ghost-eye\"" ~/.bashrc; then echo "alias ge=\"ghost-eye\"" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc echo "[+] alias 'ge' added, type 'ge' to run ghost-eye" else echo "[+] alias 'ge' already found" fi