# Notes Arrows will mark the places where your input is needed # Update system Update Your System: Before installing any new software, it's a good practice to update your system's package list and upgrade the existing packages to their latest versions. ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade ``` # Firewall Install Ubuntu firewall ```bash sudo apt install ufw ``` If you want to connect to your node-machine, allow connection to the SSH port ```bash sudo ufw allow ssh ``` ![images/img.png](images/img.png) Enable firewall, confirm the operation ```bash sudo ufw enable ``` ![images/img_1.png](images/img_1.png) Check firewall status. You should see `Status: active` ```bash sudo ufw numbered ``` ![images/img_2.png](images/img_2.png) # SSH ## Install SSH Once you have installed the proper Operating System on you machine we recommend that you enable SSH. Most people have a Daily Driver machine. GHOST requires a separate machine. Adding an extra machine to your life could be cumbersome. Chances are you had to use an external monitor to install Ubuntu on GHOST Node, the same screen regularly used by the Daily Driver machine. SSH enables you to manage your GHOST Nodes remotely from the comfort of your Daily Driver. Install OpenSSH Server: With your system updated, the next step is to install the OpenSSH server package. This package contains the necessary software to run an SSH server. ```bash sudo apt install openssh-server ``` Enable SSH Service to Start on Boot: To ensure that the SSH service automatically starts after a reboot, you need to enable it using _systemctl_. ```bash sudo systemctl enable ssh ``` To check the status of the SSH service, run the following command: ```bash sudo systemctl status ssh ``` You should be seeing something like this: ![images/img_3.png](images/img_3.png) ## Connect by SSH With SSH enabled and the firewall configured, you can now connect to your node machine from another computer using SSH. You have to know your username and your local network ip ```bash ssh [username]@[your_server_ip_OR_hostname] ``` # Install GHOST Application ## Allow Ports Allow `port 30333` on GHOST Node: ```bash sudo ufw allow 30333 ``` ![images/img_5.png](images/img_5.png) To ensure that the ports are allowed, run the following command: ```bash sudo ufw numbered ``` ![images/img_6.png](images/img_6.png) ## Install Substrate Libraries Click [here](https://docs.substrate.io/install/linux/) for a detailed Rust guide if you want to dive deep into the documentation. Otherwise let's proceed. ### Install Dependencies Check the documentation for your operating system for information about the packages that are installed and how to download and install any additional packages you might need. For example, if you use Debian/Ubuntu, you can use the Advanced Packaging Tool (apt) to install packages: ```bash sudo apt install -y build-essential clang curl git make libssl-dev protobuf-compiler llvm libudev-dev ``` ### Rust Install Download the rustup installation program and use it to install Rust by running the following command: ```bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh ``` Press Enter for using default options: ![images/img_7.png](images/img_7.png) Update your current shell to include Cargo by running the following command: ```bash source $HOME/.cargo/env ``` Verify your installation by running the following command: ```bash rustc --version ``` You should see something like this: ![images/img_8.png](images/img_8.png) Configure the Rust toolchain to default to the latest stable version by running the following commands: ```bash rustup default stable ``` ```bash rustup update ``` Add the nightly release and the nightly WebAssembly (wasm) targets to your development environment by running the following commands: ```bash rustup update nightly ``` ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly ``` ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ``` **_IF error try_** ```bash rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain default ``` Verify the configuration of your development environment by running the following command: ```bash rustup show ``` ```bash rustup +nightly show ``` You should see something like this: ![images/img_9.png](images/img_9.png) ![images/img_10.png](images/img_10.png) Now run: ```bash rustup component add rust-src --toolchain stable ``` **_IF error try_** ```bash rustup component add rust-src --toolchain default ``` ## Install GHOST Check if Git is already installed: ```bash git --version ``` ![images/img_11.png](images/img_11.png) Make a GHOST Directory and go to it: ```bash mkdir ghost && cd ghost ``` Clone GHOST Node Git: ```bash git clone https://git.ghostchain.io/ghostchain/ghost-node.git ``` Go to ghost-node directory: ```bash cd ghost-node ``` Compile the node template by running the following command: ```bash cargo build --release ``` The build can take up to 20 minutes depending on the specifications of your machine. ![images/img_12.png](images/img_12.png) # Boot Node Qualification ## Boot Node Qualification Test Becoming a Boot Node on GHOST Chain is an absolute MUST if we want the network to be sufficiently decentralized. However, due to certain ISP limitations some countries make it being a Boot Node easier than others. Hence, the GHOST Dev team came up with a Boot Node Qualification Test. First we should install TRACEROUTE: ```bash sudo apt install traceroute ``` Then we must determine the public IP for your GHOST Node Machine. ```bash curl -4 icanhazip.com ``` ![images/img_13.png](images/img_13.png) Then type the following command replacing `` with an actual IP address from previous step: ```bash traceroute ``` If your GHOST Node is **not behind a NAT** your terminal window should look something like this: ![images/img_14.png](images/img_14.png) If your GHOST Node is **behind NAT** your terminal window should look something like this: ![images/img_15.png](images/img_15.png) If your GHOST Node is NOT behind the NAT then your node can be a Boot Node. If your GHOST Node is behind the NAT then your node CANNOT be a Boot Node and you will have to use some kind of proxy to rectify the situation. Afterwards, post the screenshot of your terminal window in the Whales group. Feel free to blur out your IP. ## Setting Proper Firewall Rules You must enable `port 30333` on your router Based on prior instructions you may have configured your firewall in way that is no longer needed. For the purpose of GHOST Chain you should only open `port 30333` and close other ports. ### Checking Firewall Check the ports that are opened on your firewall: ```bash sudo ufw numbered ``` ![images/img_16.png](images/img_16.png) If `port 9945` is opened then close it: ```bash sudo ufw deny 9945 ``` ### Configuring Router Enable port forwarding for port 30333 on your router. Be mindful that different networks and routers have different ways of setting this up. It is best to search for portforwarding instruction for the specific router model. ![images/img_17.png](images/img_17.png) ### Checking Ports Simulate a broadcasting node by running a dummy GHOST Node launch command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost --port=30333 --rpc-port=9945 --chain=dev --node-key=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 --base-path=/tmp/alice --alice --validator --unsafe-rpc-external --no-telemetry --state-pruning=archive ``` To check ports go to [Port Checker Website](https://dnschecker.org/port-scanner.php) and check following ports: ``` 30333, 9945 ``` Only `port 30333` should be opened. ![images/img_18.png](images/img_18.png) Press _CTRL+C_ to stop the node. # Launching GHOST TestNet 2.0 Switch to main GIT branch: ```bash git switch main ``` Make sure `ghost-node` is up to date: ```bash git pull origin main ``` ## Generating keys Create ghost configuration directory: ```bash sudo mkdir /etc/ghost ``` Give the user permission to the directory: ```bash sudo chown $(whoami) /etc/ghost ``` To generate the node key use the following command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key generate-node-key --bin --file=/etc/ghost/node-key ``` Generate Wallet Key file with the following command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key generate | grep "Secret seed" | awk '{$1=$2=""; sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print}' > /etc/ghost/wallet-key ``` Display the wallet-key on the screen by using cat command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key inspect $(cat /etc/ghost/wallet-key) ``` ![images/img_22.png](images/img_22.png) Feel free to back the file on a separate storage device. Generate Stash Key file with the following command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key generate | grep "Secret seed" | awk '{$1=$2=""; sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print}' > /etc/ghost/stash-key ``` Display the stash-key on the screen by using cat command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key inspect $(cat /etc/ghost/stash-key) ``` ![images/img_23.png](images/img_23.png) Generate Session Key file with the following command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key generate | grep "Secret seed" | awk '{$1=$2=""; sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print}' > /etc/ghost/session-key ``` You have generates 4 types of Session Keys: 1. Session Key – AUDI 2. Session Key – BABE 3. Session Key – SLOW 4. Session Key – GRAN Now let's display them! Display the session-key//audi on the screen by using cat command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key inspect "$(cat /etc/ghost/session-key)//audi" ``` ![images/img_24.png](images/img_24.png) Display the session-key//babe on the screen by using cat command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key inspect "$(cat /etc/ghost/session-key)//babe" ``` ![images/img_25.png](images/img_25.png) Display the session-key//slow on the screen by using cat command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key inspect "$(cat /etc/ghost/session-key)//slow" ``` ![images/img_26.png](images/img_26.png) Display the session-key//gran on the screen by using cat command: ```bash ./target/release/ghost key inspect "$(cat /etc/ghost/session-key)//gran" --scheme=ed25519 ``` ![images/img_27.png](images/img_27.png) ## Build and start the ghost-node Recompile `ghost-node` using `starter.sh` and `--release` flag. Make `ghost-node` service being able to be started by default user using `--make-global`: ```bash ./scripts/starter.sh --release --make-global ``` We need to recompile so type y and press Enter to proceed: ![images/img_20.png](images/img_20.png) Recompiling will take some time! The script needs higher permissions to write the ghost-node startup file, so it may ask for your user's password ![images/img_21.png](images/img_21.png) ![images/img_28.png](images/img_28.png) Check the hash of the build: ```bash sha256sum /etc/ghost/casper.json ``` You should see: ``` 6c1bab2e9c04043814b5e5e72984b00ac60150bd48cb16068495f1b49fbc5008 ``` ![images/img_29.png](images/img_29.png) Create running `ghost-node` service that starts on system boot using `--unit-file` flag. And we must set up the `ghost-node` launch command by setting arguments using `--set-arguments` flag: ```bash ./scripts/starter.sh --unit-file --set-arguments ``` Only change the defaults if you are advanced otherwise press _Enter_ for the following prompts. If this is your first node simply press _Enter_ to proceed with the default. If this is your second node you should type a different port here, for example `30334`, and then you should open this port on your firewall and create a dedicated port forwarding rule on your router as specified in the Testing Connectivity Part: ``` specify p2p protocol TCP port (default: 30333): 30334 ``` To choose default options press Enter here: ![images/img_30.png](images/img_30.png) Currently, you have to qualify to become a validator node through [GHOST Whales](https://ghostchain.io/whales-apply). If you were NOT included in the [ghosties file](https://git.ghostchain.io/ghostchain/ghost-node/src/branch/main/service/ghosties) then you cannot be a validator node, and you can only be a full node so for `disable validator mode? [y/N]` type `y`. If you were included in the ghosties file you can press Enter: ``` disable validator mode? [y/N]: y ``` ![images/img_31.png](images/img_31.png) Press _Enter_ for reject enabling Prometheus: ![images/img_32.png](images/img_32.png) For the following prompt: ``` list of bootnodes if any: ``` Paste one of available **Boot Node** addresses. Official **Boot Node** addresses: ``` /dns/bootnode69.chain.ghostchain.io/tcp/30334/p2p/12D3KooWF9SWxz9dmy6vfndQhoxqCa7PESaoFWEiF8Jkqh4xKDRf ``` ``` /dns/bootnode70.chain.ghostchain.io/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWP3h5dSdqcpvsCr7fp1jyfqDj291QDZ68a4gY6VQ8T1nW ``` A full list of available **Boot Nodes** can be found on [the guide page](https://blog.ghostchain.io/launching-ghost-testnet-2-0/#Boot_Node). ![images/img_33.png](images/img_33.png) Press _Enter_: ![images/img_34.png](images/img_34.png) Changing `unit-file` name is optional, otherwise press _Enter_: ![images/img_35.png](images/img_35.png) Type `y` and press _Enter_ for create dedicated user for running `ghost-node`: ![images/img_36.png](images/img_36.png) **DO NOT start and enable** `ghost-node.service` press _Enter_: ![images/img_37.png](images/img_37.png) Now you can check whether or not the keys on your GHOST Node match those in the [ghosties file](https://git.ghostchain.io/ghostchain/ghost-node/src/branch/main/service/ghosties) on GHOST Git. If you are running a **Validator Node** and if you have followed the Generating Keys Part you will see all `[+]`. If you are a running a **Full Node** you will see errors: (Press _Enter_ for prompts) ```bash ./scripts/starter.sh --check-keys ``` Full Node: ![images/img_38.png](images/img_38.png) Validator Node: ![images/img_39.png](images/img_39.png) Start `ghost-node`: ```bash sudo systemctl start ghost-node ``` Wait 60 seconds! Check node is started: ```bash sudo systemctl status ghost-node ``` ![images/img_40.png](images/img_40.png) For exit press _CTRL+C_ In order to insert keys run the following flags `--check-keys` `--insert-keys`: ```bash ./scripts/starter.sh --check-keys --insert-keys ``` Restart `ghost-node`: ```bash sudo systemctl restart ghost-node ``` Enable `ghost-node`: ```bash sudo systemctl enable ghost-node ``` ![images/img_41.png](images/img_41.png) To see the logs produced by your `ghost-node`: ```bash journalctl -f -u ghost-node ``` To exit press _CTRL+C_. Congratulations! You have an operational GHOST Node.