Uncle Stretch 66719626bb
inital commit, which is clearly not initial
Signed-off-by: Uncle Stretch <>
2024-10-03 15:38:52 +03:00

67 lines
2.4 KiB

use hyper::{Client, Uri};
use ghost_test_service::{node_config, run_validator_node, test_prometheus_config};
use keyring::AccountKeyring::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
const DEFAULT_PROMETHEUS_PORT: u16 = 9616;
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn runtime_can_publish_metrics() {
let mut alice_config =
node_config(|| {}, tokio::runtime::Handle::current(), Alice, Vec::new(), true);
// Enable prometheus metrics for Alice.
alice_config.prometheus_config = Some(test_prometheus_config(DEFAULT_PROMETHEUS_PORT));
let mut builder = sc_cli::LoggerBuilder::new("");
// Enable profiling with `wasm_tracing` target.
builder.with_profiling(Default::default(), String::from("wasm_tracing=trace"));
// Setup the runtime metrics provider.
crate::logger_hook()(&mut builder, &alice_config);
builder.init().expect("Failed to set up logger");
// Start validator Alice
let alice = run_validator_node(alice_config, None);
let bob_config =
node_config(|| {}, tokio::runtime::Handle::current(), Bob, vec![alice.addr.clone()], true);
// Start validator Bob
let _bob = run_validator_node(bob_config, None);
// Wait for Alice to see finalized blocks.
let metrics_uri = format!("http://localhost:{}/metrics", DEFAULT_PROMETHEUS_PORT);
let metrics = scrape_prometheus_metrics(&metrics_uri).await;
// TODO: which assert
async fn scrape_prometheus_metrics(metrics_uri: &str) -> HashMap<String, u64> {
let res = Client::new()
.get(Uri::try_from(metrics_uri).expect("bad URI"))
.expect("GET request failed");
let body = String::from_utf8(
hyper::body::to_bytes(res).await.expect("can't get body as bytes").to_vec(),
).expect("body is not an UTF8 string");
let lines: Vec<_> = body.lines().map(|s| Ok(s.to_owned())).collect();
.expect("Scraper failed to parse Prometheus metrics")
.filter_map(|prometheus_parse::Sample { metric, value, .. }| match value {
prometheus_parse::Value::Counter(value) => Some((metric, value as u64)),
prometheus_parse::Value::Gauge(value) => Some((metric, value as u64)),
prometheus_parse::Value::Untyped(value) => Some((metric, value as u64)),
_ => None,